Senator Roxas described it as a monumental embarrassment. The World Bank has rejected us before, says Senator Pimentel, but it was because of over-borrowing--not corruption. How will international borrowing agencies look at the Philippines now? Surely, says Pimentel, the World Bank and the ADB will never allow us to borrow funds from them simply because they don't trust this current administration because, as they say, its tainted with graft and corruption.
This is NOT a subtle message to this administration. This is an overt display of how foreign lending institutions view the current government. The amount, US$ 232 million, is not to be scrimped at. It is a huge amount. If the WB can't entrust Mrs. Arroyo of US$ 232 million, how then, will government be able to secure other loans of lesser amounts?
As I wrote here, aside from being an embarrassment, this incident shows how discredited this administration is in the eyes of foreign governments. First, this government is a disgrace to its people. More than half of the Filipino population wants Mrs. Arroyo and her whole cabinet to resign from their posts. With this incident, even foreign governments want her to resign. Now, nobody in his right mind would want Mrs. Arroyo to finish her term.
Its only Mrs. Arroyo and her lapdogs who want her to continue mismanaging the country. Why?
Mrs. Arroyo and her advisers have very low personal standards and ethics. They think that their performances are satisfactory enough for the people, when the people are telling them that they suck. I can't fault them, simply because if you look at the qualifications of these cabinet members and even Mrs. Arroyo herself, you'll find nothing substantial enough to justify why they are there in the first place. All of them are followers, not leaders. Mrs. Arroyo simply does not have the capability to lead because, net of discussion, she does'nt have the vision nor the will to lead. Same goes to her men. What they are are goons, glorified goons at that.
So, what have we to do now? Survey says the people don't want an EDSA and they don't want a coup. I think that the only solution is a combination of both these means just to attain the singular objective---force her and her government to resign.
If we, as a people don't unite now, we will suffer a double embarrassment. The whole world will laugh at us because of being totally masochists.
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