On December 30, the birthday of Jose Rizal, I plan to launch the Revolutionary Philippines Movement or RPM. It is high time for individuals like me to stand up and be counted.
What is the objective of this movement?
This movement aims to build and create an open democratic Filipino society. An Open Democratic Filipino society is defined as a society which respects individual rights under a just regime. It fosters beneficial capitalism which encourages free enterprise for the benefit of the collective whole.
Analysis of Filipino Society
The current state of Filipino society is that of a semi-capitalist, semi-colonial system where there are pockets of development scattered throughout the archipelago. It is semi-colonial because the economic system is still dependent on foreign capital to survive. Foreign interests from the United States and China continues to influence much of Filipino policies.
State of Politics
The state of politics is that of patronage politics where leaders are elected based not on qualifications but based on wealth and force. This antiquated system is the root cause of collective misery due to its nature. Those elected to high positions of power are not true representatives of the people.
State of Economy
Despite the 7 percent growth of the economy, majority of the people continue to live in dire poverty. This owes to the very nature of the economic system, which is pure capitalism. Economic gains do not redound to the benefit of the collective because there is no spillover mechanism that ensures the steady flow of these gains from the upper to the lower echelons.
The State
Filipino society is under siege by an illegitimate regime composed of aristocrats and plutocrats. The state uses aggression as a weapon against its enemies. Due to its desire for self-preservation, it launches armed attacks against its citizens while parlaying criticisms through legal weapons.
The state does not respect human rights. It kidnaps citizens, tears whole families apart and changes laws to benefit itself. It has assumed a garrison-like existence where the administration surrounds itself with voracious and corrupt allies to survive day-to-day. The state is not responsive to the people's needs. It is being hostaged by various interests for the sake of its own survival
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