Sunday, June 15, 2008

Heating Up The Sulu Hostage Crisis

News reports validated our earlier research on who exactly kidnapped Ces Drilon. Mayor Isnaji confirmed our earlier fears--a group of young Tausugs kidnapped the journalist. They are demanding 20 million pesos as ransom money.

As this was going on, the military pounded on some areas of the island. More than 25 bombs were unleashed by the military. At first, the AFP leadership denied it. Afterwards, they admitted conducting those shelling which already wounded one Muslim woman.

This is stupid. Why would the military do such a thing? They are endangering the life of Ces, right? But, come to think of it, these shelling are just to frighten these young thugs so that they'll release their hostages.

Or, it could be the military's way of telling the people that they don't have anything to do with Ces kidnapping. It is beginning to dawn upon people that, indeed, some elements of the military are behind the abduction of Ces because these shellings are diversionary tactics aimed at showing that the AFP is doing something to solve the situation.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, sir, your slip are showing.

It is now very clear that:

1. The military agent helped in the abduction of Ces. This Biyaw character should be arrested and meted Islamic justice.
2. The surrounding information about the abduction clearly showed counter-intelligence tactics which could only emanate from the AFP. These young Tausugs could not have done this sophisticated operation without any "backer".

We are not fools. The AFP masterminded this caper. They should be exposed, whoever are behind this kidnapping of a respected Philippine journalist.

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