Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An Appeal to Release the Red Cross Volunteers

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah!

Bismillahi Rahmanir Raheem

It has been months since the Al Harakatul Al Islamiyah or what we popularly know as the Abu Sayyaf Group kidnapped the three Red Cross aid workers in Jolo, Sulu.

There are reports that the military has engaged the ASG members in a gunbattle. An alleged wire report says that newly designated ASG spokesperson Al Bader Parad has been wounded.

I appeal to our Muslim brothers holding these three aid workers, especially to Ustadz Yasser Igasan, the new Amir of the Al Harakatul Al Islamiya to release them immediately.
You are placing innocent lives in danger. If you want to engage the military into open confrontation in the name of the Banner of Islam, then, do so without compunction.
However, not at the expense of these Red Cross aid workers who simply were there in Jolo, Sulu to take care of the welfare of our fellow Muslim brothers and Muslimah.
It does not bode well for the Banner of Islam to be associated with such activities. Better if the Slaves of Allah kidnap combatants; not those involved in humanitarian work.
If any one of you could point to me any Surah in the Noble Qu'ran or even in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that justifies these, then, let him come forward and say it openly.
The Banner of Islam is pure. It is a struggle against evil. It does not justify any action taken against innocents.

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