Thursday, May 14, 2009

On choosing the best instead of the lesser evil

There is a prevalent feeling among Filipinos right now that we face the prospect of choosing the "lesser evil" instead of choosing the best president come 2010. This current perspective is being shared by many Filipinos, particularly OFWs and is reflected in numerous surveys by SWS and PulseAsia. Why did we come to this point is rather confusing; but dig deeper inside of every one's psyche and you'll surely say that this dreadful feeling exists in each and every one of us.

Why? What are really the variables of leadership we seek? When I heard of that "choosing the lesser evil", it concludes one thing---people are still trying to find a suitable leader that is "good"; and they find these current crop of aspirants as "evil". What is "good" is simply not entirely based on moral grounds rather probably based on past history or track record as a public servant. We simply see a leader as "good" when he exercises prudence in handling funds while in office or "good" because he provides us with sustenance or "good" if he's seen actively pursuing like-minded causes or the general welfare. "Good" also means avoidance of any scandal or scam. And "good" when he acts with haste in any problem, domestic or otherwise.

Or, probably this present viewpoint stems from the lack or absence of trust among the current crop of Filipino leaders. Why have we come into this?

Simply because the past leaders who launched those morale boosting revolts failed to provide the vision, the direction and even acted in contrast to Filipino welfare. Those who launched those so-called revolutions are mainly counter-elites who did so out of spite of the incumbent and simply used the nationalist platform to beguile the public into joining them. They're simply too elitist and pacifists that they ignore the reality of revolts as society changing models through armed struggle.

And when we find ourselves in this situation of "choosing the lesser evil", we invariably go to either one of these options: choose the wrong one or go with the incumbent.

It is this justifying circumstance that this administration wants us to realize to justify an extension of its illegal rule. It is this very same mindset that they want to create so that we choose to stay where we are and avert an act where we go the other direction.

Having said that, the imperative is simply transform these presidential aspirants into Patriots. Change them from being lumped into the "evil" group into the "benevolent" leaders' group. This is an imperative which is very hard to do since it entails a crash course on proletarianism. Whatever it takes, we simply cannot ignore this. Otherwise, we face the prospect of finding ourselves with Gloria still sitting in that wicked mahogany chair in 2020.

To JULIAN MARCIAL, this is my response.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Edit:

    Sir Patricio,

    I have no problem with what you accuse Chiz of. And besides I don't think your opinions hold too much logical consistency especially that one about the ANC leadership forum. No offense, but I think it's a bad thing to use "Everybody knows that this-and-that", and "obvious" since not everybody is aware of the things you allege with him, especially we, the youth, who odds are not really aware of a substantial background history of the 2010 presidentiables.

    I'm not pretending to know everything, and I hope you don't also, but I know you do have a lot better "history" than me, an ordinary kid still studying in college with a course totally irrelevant in politics. I'm ready to bet I'm years younger before you. And I don't know whether what you say about Chiz and the other presidentiables are pure and pristine facts rather than hastily judged presuppositions from bits and pieces of information. As a member of the most powerful force in this 2010 elections, I think we deserve to be given as many facts as possible rather than accusations and near-flawless advocacy of a single candidate. I've seen so many people who are quick in terms of their judgment, yet slow when it comes to properly grounded basis. That's what I don't want to happen with your readers, that's my concern. But I know that you have your own well-grounded reasons why you stated your opinions and I certainly do respect your preference to Senator Mar Roxas.

    It's the way how this blog appears to some people (who actually referred this to me) as a Philippine revolutionary pillar of facts and unbiased information that will serve the youth to have an honest and equal choice in the upcoming 2010 elections that I'm trying to refute. Maybe I got it wrong? Maybe this really is a subjective blog that don't merit such curious attention and criticism. But it appears to me that the blog has stirred up some regular audience, and certainly is an influence of some part to the opinion of the youth. So impartiality of writing and grounding of the accusations not only to Chiz but also to other Presidentiables, I believe, is a necessity.

    "Good" also means avoidance of any scandal or scam. And "good" when he acts with haste in any problem, domestic or otherwise. I am a self-proclaimed idealist, and God how I hate the current administration and all those apathy rampant especially in our age group. I certainly do agree with what you have said about good and lesser evil, and I'm not, in any way, saying that all of them are evil. What I've said is that tendencies are, they have lied at some point. I believe good exists and whomever I put my vote is the one I'll put my whole trust with, but I will certainly not fool myself into believing that there is a Presidentiable as pure and perfect as the way you have written about Mar Roxas. Why not write advatages and disadvantages, and not Mar Roxas versus a liar, a puppy of the admistration, an insufficient candidate, a media-hyped dog, an all-talk parrot, a preacher, a user, and a clown.

    With all due respect,
    Julian Marcial

    P.S. When the time comes that I know enough about all of the presidentiables, I would be happy to engage in a friendly debate with you. I think it would help me and others greatly. :)

  3. Hi Julian,

    Thanks for your comments. I appreciate it.

    I may have been too harsh to say those words against Chiz but, trust me, my friend, I was there when these things were committed.

    Like I said, Chiz was part of the opposition aligned with FPJ in 2004. He was one of those whom we thought would provide a measure of idealism in a purely pseudo-nationalist group.

    He was trained in the rudiments and art of public speaking and rose to the occasion whenever matters pertaining to the opposition were concerned.

    Chiz was a very important element in the change business yet, after FPJ died, nothing, oh, nothing came out of that idealism.

    Where is Chiz now? IN the arms of the trapos behind the Nationalist People's Coalition (NPC). Where he should be? He should be with us, the Filipino People. Chiz abandoned the struggle when it was convenient to do so. That's my beef with him, Julian. If he showed that tendency to abandon ship when the struggle was at its most critical stage, what will he do when he becomes the very Captain of that ship?

    Like you, I was once an admirer of Chiz. In fact, I believe he's just one tad older than I am. We came from the same university, ate probably the same food (fish balls being sold at the UP College of Law) and probably even attended the same events like UP's annual college fests.

    Yet, like all things, he went his way, others went the other way. I was fortunate to befriend his sister and also came to know him personally whenever he visits that coffee shop his sister owns.

    Like you, I repose trust in him simply because of what he's telling the public. But, try to analyze those motherhood statements and see if it has some sense.

    By the way Julian, if you read my previous posts, I really don't advocate for any presidentiable. In fact, what I propose is a Council of State. Mar is just the "lesser evil"; even Gordon seems to be another "lesser evil".

    The point Julian is simply be one of the change advocates who will try to illuminate these aspirants and try to transform them as Patriots.

    And I will definitely do what you suggested here.I'm intending to put up another blog, which will try to present the qualifications and visions of these presidentiables. Help me with that one, Julian.


Thank you very much for reading my blog. You inspired me. But if you intend to put your name "anonymous", better not comment at all. Thanks!