Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Peace, The Ulamas, PCID and Vagni Update

The recent releases of foreign hostages thru the intercession of ulamas in Jolo, Sulu is testament of the efforts made by a small non-governmental organization. Called the Philippine Council on Islam and Democracy (PCID), this organization founded by long-time peace advocate Amina Rasul, has made significant progress in peace in Mindanao, especially in those war-torn areas such as Basilan, Sulu, Lanao and Tawi-Tawi. PCID has been in the forefront of peace initiatives, silently working their way to the hearts and minds of the Bangsamoros in Mindanao.

Ulamas are highly respected authoritative figures in the Bangsamoro homeland. They educate the Bangsamoros in the ways of Islam. Many advocate for the separation of the homeland from the clutches of imperial Manila rule; yet, there are many who also want this to be a peaceful transition instead of armed struggle.

Peace, as some analysts surmise, can only come about if the Manila government recognize the uniqueness of the Bangsamoro culture and grant full independence. There is no compromise. For decades, Bangsamoros have staged numerous campaigns and even war, to show that what they want is self-governance.

Self-governance is a sensitive thing, especially if you ask those hawks in the palace. For them, the only response is war. That's why, as we speak, there are hundreds if not thousands of soldiers fighting the Bangsamoros for that precious real estate called Mindanao. War brings only misery and more apathy to victims and combatants. It makes matters worst.

What is so problematic is when third parties enter into the picture, spoiling the broth and making it more difficult for both the Bangsamoros and Imperial Manila to enter into a peaceful settlement. Here is where the PCID enters into the picture.

PCID strives to unify the disparate forces within the Bangsamoro Republic to arrive at one common agenda for peace. Ulamas are critical members of this striving since they serve as both religious and proto-political advocates within their own respective territories. That's why, for the first time, PCID organized a fully united Ulama Council which aims to continue the Bangsamoro struggle within the parameters of peaceful resolution and mediation.

This is where PCID has been a success for numbers of years. Governments such as the United States, Britain and other European nations have supported PCID's efforts in the region. And the PCID will continue serving and striving for the complete unification of the Bangsamoros.

.By the way, foreign hostage Vagni is still missing. Some reports say he has been abandoned in a desolate area to die. Military sources are confirming this as we speak. Vagni, reports say, is sick. He's been suffering from hernia. Ulamas are also actively trying to determine the location of Vagni and convince the ASG to hand the hostage over. However, complications reportedly arise. Vagni is nowhere to be found


    In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. Praise be to the Lord of the Universe who has created us and made us into tribes and nations, that we may know each other, not that we may despise each other. If the enemy incline towards peace, do thou also incline towards peace, and trust in God, for the Lord is the one that heareth and knoweth all things. And the servants of God, Most Gracious are those who walk on the Earth in humility, and when we address them, we say "PEACE."

  2. i hope that the elusive peace that our muslim brothers would at last come.

    it is just so sad that the land that they owned for a long time is not but a dream...and their youth and their generations to come are nothing but daydreamers in arms

  3. elmot,

    yes, and peace can only be achieved if there is a meeting of the minds between those who hold office in Malacanang and those who continue to pursue armed struggle in the hinderlands of MIndanao.


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