Tuesday will go down in history as the greatest monumental square-off between former family friends, First Gentleman Mike Arroyo and ZTE-NBN whistleblower Joey de Venecia III. And should this square-off happens, there's only one conclusion---the possible incarceration of the whistleblower instead of the master bender.
Senator Richard Gordon has sent word that he invited the First gentleman and the DOTC officials led by Secretary Leandro Mendoza to attend this Tuesday's Senate Blue ribbon committee hearing. Gordon believes that before he even releases his findings, there should be another hearing to "clear some cobwebs" so to speak, about the real story behind the "greatest graft scandal" ever to hit this country in so many years.For me, the square off is clearly not necessary for one obvious reason---there are hours and hours worth of testimonies in past ZTE-NBN hearings and those are more than enough to fill a 100 page report. But, no. Senator Gordon wants to hammer out the message of the Office of the Ombusman--that the First Family is not involved in this anomalous deal.
And with a favorable ally sitting as chair of the Blue Ribbon, the First Gentleman does not need to find succor at St. Luke's. No. He'll probably brave it out. But, will he be able to gaze at Joey de Venecia's direction without even flinching his eyes?
Joey welcomes the chance to face the First Gentleman, confident that he committed no crime. In a statement, Joey said that Gordon committed a grave infraction when he inadvertently announced his initial opinion, saying that the Ombusman should have included the De Venecias in the charge sheet. If Gordon thinks that the De Venecias are guilty, then, why another hearing? Is'nt strange that the Senate blue ribbon needs another day to what? To hammer out a favorable public impression and clean the tarnished name of his amigo, the First Gentleman and his amiga, Gloria Arroyo?
Obviously, Gordon wants to do a Pontius Pilate before he runs for re-election because he knows that his handling of this case would haunt him during election time. He already whitewashed the Joc-Joc Bolante case and because of proper PR handling, there was no public outrage that came out shortly when he released the recommendations. That Joc-Joc Bolante case was a "test case" so to speak, and provided pro-administration senators like Gordon a template to manage sensitive issues like this ZTE-NBN deal.
This thought has permeated even in the inner circles of power and those dinky coffee shops in hotels and places in the Metropolis. A year has passed and the public is now ready to accept new facts about this case. If Joey de Venecia and Jun Lozada mishandle this, they'll surely come out of this as pseudo-patriots and liars. And the public hates liars.
Joey is confident that he did nothing wrong and the public believes him. There are more than enough evidence to pin the First Family in this ZTE-NBN deal, more than, say the circumstantial evidence that the Office of the Ombusman has against Benjamin Abalos and Romulo Neri. The fact that photos caught the First Couple playing golf and eating oysters with ZTE officials and those text messages Gloria sent to Neri, ordering him to just accept the money and approve the deal are more than enough to include them in the graft charge sheet.
Yet, Gordon hopes that if he plays his cards right, he'll be able to convince the public that these pieces of evidence amount to nothing, show nothing and mean nothing. Of course, Gordon embarked on a charm offensive with his tearful outbursts in those kidnapping episodes and those guestings as presidentiable. Yet, behind those charming charades lie a dastardly plan to hide his role as the palace's self-appointed Mr. Clean. Beneath those cheesy smiles and pink-colored cheeks hides an insidious mind ready to follow the wishes and caprices of his principals.
And for what? To get that anointment from Mrs. Arroyo and be part of that 10 billion election campaign kitty? To snatch that nomination from Vice President Noli de Castro or at the least, that vice presidential post from Ronnie Puno?
Or maybe, just maybe, add some more funds for a re-election bid? Or, again chair the revival of Subic as a US military facility?
Whatever it is, expect History to again be on the side of the devil enfant. :-)
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