Monday, September 21, 2009

Of Pseudo-Nationalists and Senator Dick Gordon: Prelude to an EXPOSE against Gordon

Senator Dick Gordon is in a quandary. He wants to pander to his political benefactors namely the First Gentleman and Mrs. Arroyo but he does not want to sacrifice his political ambitions. He already made a successful campaign to erase the graft-ridden Joc-Joc Bolante case out of the public's mind, and he has one more case to go---the ZTE-NBN deal. This is a stinking deal which goes, way, way up there, in the stratosphere that is Malacanang.

Former Senate blue ribbon committee chair Alan Peter Cayetano already said before that this deal reaches up to Malacanang. Dick does not agree. For a man who benefitted largely from public trust (I will have a very explosive expose in the next few days about Honorable Senator Richard "Dick" Gordon. Abangan!), the least that Gordon has to do is render fairness.

If you watched the last senate hearing, Gordon was not fair. Yes, before I laud Gordon for his deft handling of the blue ribbon committee hearings but the last hearing, well, it left a very bad taste in the mouth. Gordon showed how he takes his job very seriously to satisfy his friends over at Malacanang.

What is the reason for Gordon's behavior? I will explain that in my next entries.

And to mask his moves, Gordon fooled the people, especially his friends, to think that he's running for president so that people will think that the main reason why Gordon is attacking the political enemies of his friends over at the Pasig is political. Ladies and gentleman, Gordon is not doing that for politics. What are his motivations? I will expose that in my later entries here. And this expose will surely rock Mr. Gordon. Abangan!

I am saddened by the favorable entries written by a blogger about Gordon. That entry was a very discomforting and definitely partial take on the ZTE-NBN deal. The blogger wanted to reinforce into the public mind that those whistleblowers are the ones guilty, NOT, the First Gentleman nor his wife, Gloria Arroyo and her devil gang, the officials of DOTC and others.

And to think that I was the one who endorsed that site to my friends online, thinking that he will only write nationalist entries. I am mistaken. I will correct my mistake in the next few days by presenting here an EXPLOSIVE EXPOSE against the "idol" of this writer.

The blog community is full of pseudo-nationalists, pro-Arroyo and pro-graft and corruption writers who masquerade as for the people, when they are for the perpetuation of the traditional elite mindsets.

Imagine, Gordon wants to file a case against the whistleblowers, namely, Mr. Joey de Venecia III and Jun Lozada, when they were the ones who opened up this case and sacrifice their lives to show the public that this deal will definitely affect them.

Today marks the second year that Joey de Venecia and Jun Lozada went out of the woodwork to expose this stinking deal which Gordon wants to deodorize. They will not succeed. For, we the people, are not fools.

For us not to forget this, I took the liberty of downloading here the famous ZTE Alphabet. Filipinos around the world, don't forget this.

1 comment:

  1. Just make sure everything you'll gonna write against Honorable Richard Gordon is true because if not you are not helping our country and you are not giving the highly efficient senator the chance to prove his worth as president of his beloved country Philippines! God bless the Philippines! - pinoy sa puso't diwa


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