Monday, December 14, 2009

Idealistic Officers should be paragons of discipline

Detained colonel Ariel Querubin reportedly had a scuffle with another detained officer, Major Jason Aquino. According to reports, Aquino was spreading "malicious rumours and imputing crimes" against the person of Querubin. The scuffle happened inside the jail where the officers are imprisoned.

And we all thought that idealistic officers like Querubin and Aquino are all one in uniting this country. Yet, even idealistic officers are fighting each other.

They should set aside personal differences and unite.

It sets a very bad precedent if idealists such as these two officers show rogue behavior. How will the people trust them with the most crucial and most critical of governance functions if they are still acting like teenage brutes?

Probably they believed the lies being spread by Mike Defensor who visited the camp facility prior to the scuffle. They should not befriend this administration's crisis go-to guy.

And I even believed that officers have principles. How would you then govern in the future if you are still acting like a heated animal? Control your tempestuous rages and you deserve leadership.

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