Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oust Enrile move is dirty face of traditional politics

Calls for the ouster of Senator Juan Ponce-Enrile is being spearheaded by Nacionalista party bet Manny Villar and with him, are Senators Aquilino Pimentel and Alan Peter Cayetano. What is quite disturbing is these men are using the argument of the constitutional line of succession in justifying their coup d'etat against Enrile.

We all know that Villar has been hurt by the Senate report linking him to the anomalous C-5 road controversy. And Enrile was the one who recommended that Villar be censured and for Villar to return the 6.2 billion pesos his companies took from the government coffers.

Villar, including his allies at the Senate, refuse to give back the monies they reportedly stole from the public coffers.

Villar and his allies planned a coup last week which fizzled out.

And who is the Senator whom Villar wants as Enrile's replacement? It is no other than Senator Edgardo Angara, the one who brokered the Villar-Legarda merger.

If the Villar bloc really wants to safeguard and assure a smoother transition, then, they should not push for Angara since we all know who Angara supports as president. Everyone knows that Angara is one of Villar's most trusted associate.

I would withdraw my opposition if Villar will only promise to give back that 6.2 billion pesos which he got from the C-5 project.

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