Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Noynoy's TVC ad insults the intelligence of the Filipino Masses

What is so interesting about Senator Noynoy Aquino's latest television ad? Nothing. And, really, it insults the intelligence of the masses. It presumes that, we, the ordinary folks, do not know anything about what's happening around us.

I belonged to the masses. I was born poor. I lived in the slums of Sta Ana Manila and grew up alone. And I know why am I poor and how politicians raked in the billions out of my treasury.

I know why roads are mis-shapened or of bridges constructed rather poorly. When Noynoy tried to explain things like a teacher, he insults the intelligence of the masses. This TVC is discriminating. It presumes that the masses are blind, dumb and stupid not to know why everything remains in a dysfunctional mode.

Like what I wrote before, we, the masses, are thirsty to know what Noynoy intends to do when he becomes president. We want to know and be assured that his platform is better than Villar's. 

We crave for heroes. We are sick and tired of professors, or pseudo-lecturers of our fate. We are asking for icons.

Noynoy, please do not blame us for your decreasing numbers in the ratings game. You blame us for reportedly not really understanding what you are fighting for. We know that you are fighting against graft and corruption. We know that this lies at the crux of your campaign. 

If you are not connecting with the masses, this is not the problem of the people. If the poor folks do not share the enthusiasm nor the magic of "People Power" that you and all others in your middle class team share, then, it is not the problem of the masses. It is YOUR PROBLEM.

We know what happened in "People power". That post-revolution stage was harrowing to say the least. If you read your history, those four years were simply years of struggle between the old and the new elites. We, the people, were never part of that government installed after the EDSA uno revolt. No. Like all the rest of these so-called revolutions, we were just called there to provide the numbers, nothing more. Our voices were in fact, stifled. 

Please, Senator, tell us, if you will, how you intend to help us. Fighting graft and corruption is as surreal to us as Picasso's paintings. How would you intend to fight graft, Mr. Senator? BY using brute force or by availing of the powers under the charter?

What will be the fate of grafters in government? Will they suffer the fate of those jailed for their crimes or they'll be like Joc-Joc Bolante who enjoys spending our monies in frivolous pursuits?
No where do we find that in your 60 seconders. TG Guingona's TVC is more real than yours. Guingona's TVC shows you how he intends to do with grafters--stump them out of existence or smashing them to smithereens. 

That short 30 seconder means a lot than a useless 60 seconder glossy commercial of Noynoy. Time to go to the drawing board again.

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