Sunday, March 13, 2011

The End Times--Are We Living in the Midst of Generational Change?

Millions of people saw how Nature injured one of the world's most prosperous nations. That 8.9 magnitude quake made the least damage but that 20-meter tsunami did, obliterating buildings, cars, boats, bridges and homes in just under a minute. Miraculously, other countries in the Asia Pacific region were spared from the devastation wrought by the tsunami. 

When images of the devastation reached the homes of more than a billion people watching CNN and other news agencies, many felt that their initial fears were validated--we are really living in what others call "the end times".

What is this term " the end times" mean?

For those who believe in Christianity, the end times mean the events preceeding the return of Jesus Christ. These events, as written by the prophets and disciples of Jesus Christ, are of catalysmic proportions. They foretell of earthquakes happening in diverse places, of immorality spreading throughout most parts of the world, of people succumbing to their basest desires and doing corruption, of greed increasing, of the gap between the rich and the poor ever so widening and the rise of man-made disasters such as wars and revolts.

These events are necessary for humankind to realize one thing--the Oneness of God and the acceptance of the Truth, that is, that God reigns over all creation.

Since the first transgression committed by God's own angels and that of the First Man, God has foredained the destruction of His first creation and the establishment of a New Earth, and New Heavens. The reason is simple---no one who is flesh can ever join God in His heavenly abode simply because of one fundamental universal principle: no impure Spirit can re-join the purest of the pure of Spirits, that is, God.

God desired that all creation be purified and join Him in His realm, that of Light. This realm is the realm of the purest of the pure. No impurity can ever last a second or a nano-second with God. It will be destroyed. 

For those who hold the Islam faith, this is the core Truth--that a true believer of the One, True God exercises his belief, that is, of Tawheed. Tawheed simply means the belief in the One-ness and Power of God. This is similar with the beliefs of the true Christians.

For those who want to be saved from these disasters, there is only one road--that is, a Holy One. There is only one road leading to the City of God, that is, a road most Holy.

The Holy Way is simply accepting the One-ness of God, which is the Truth, the original message of God to His believers, Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their progeny. 

God reigns over all creation and desires nothing but purity for them. Purity means here, clothing oneself with the Truth as enshrined in the Laws of God, and exercising what the Laws allow and shunning what it does not.

Living in the holy way means doing what God ordains one to do and in consistent fashion. The believer is mandated to actually tread what the first priests of God did. 

Believers also accept that fact that flesh is destructible. For one to enter the City of God, one must make himself indestructible or immortal. How then can one be immortal? By making himself pure before the eyes of God. Again, purity depends on following or abiding God's laws. 

Transformation eventually follows for those who follow the pure Laws of God. Those who will be saved are those who will hold faith and strong belief even during times of distress. Those who await the return of Christ must hold faith that everything depends on God, and human power is nothing. 

We cannot prevent disasters from happening. It is something beyond man's control. Yet, when we realize the universal truth that things are possible if we acknowledge that real power emanates from God, then, things would not seem too bad for us. Fact is, we will be able to attain that state of acceptance, that these are things according to His Will, and His Will is always rational.

1 comment:

  1. Term of international law is used to refer the positions of crimes in any country or any free state.


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