Monday, July 11, 2011

CBCP to issue statement on PCSO scandal and RH Bill today

The DZMM just reported that the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines will issue a statement against the Reproductive Health Bill, mining and the PCSO scandal. According to several sources, this will also be taken as an occasion by the Church to criticize the Aquino administration.

Sources say, this will be the strongest issued condemnation of this administration by the CBCP.

Archbishop Pedro Quitorio along with Bishop Quevedo, will issue the statement.

Sources say this will be the signal for groups to take action against the administration, seeing that it will be just two weeks prior to the State of the Nation Address of President Aquino.

I can't really fathom why this administration wants a head-to-head confrontation with the Church. I mean, this is committing political suicide.

Instead of fighting the Church, why not find a "win-win" solution? Malacanang, it seems, is in a fighting mood, using the PCSO as a platform to isolate itself against established institutions.

On the other hand, this only shows that Malacanang is flexing its muscles against established traditional institutions. BUt, why?

To hide the imperfections of this administration? Or this is a honest-to-goodness effort to curb or rid graft and corruption? I hope they know what they are against.

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