PNP chief Cesar Purisima yesterday just proved how incompetent he is. And he is the primary reason why high-profile criminals and fugitives escape the full fangs of the law.
IMagine, you are the head of the PNP and instead of promoting someone who exhibited true faith in the system and full adherence to the rule of law, you gave him a very poor position and even tried to fool the people into believing that you promoted him?
What Purisima did, I saw that in several movies of FPJ where corrupt high police officials place honest cops in a "freezer" because they are honest and they affect the operations of criminal syndicates especially those crime bosses.
Purisima should be made to resign immediately. He is a disgrace to the uniform. Imagine, he demoted a highly competent police officer who just did his job for the Republic. Senior Superintendent Conrad Capa did what he was ordered to do--put those high-profile fugitives behind bars.
Delfin Lee is one influential SOB. He is using those billions which he got from numerous people to get himself out of the rot. And when someone uses money, expect some people to forget their principles.
Lee is using his millions to "cure" his reputation before the media and likewise, using several contacts to get him out of jail. Well, this is natural to any one accused of a crime.
Sources say, Purisima has been a subject of Presidential scrutiny since last year. There has been talks about his continued involvement in numerous things. Even before he was promoted to chief PNP, there has been several "rumours" of Purisima being involved in this and that, specifically on drugs and jueteng.
What happened now, probably "validated" long standing talks about Purisima.
Mr. President, heed the voice of the People--kick Purisima out of the force. Made him retire early. He has smeared the reputation of the Police force.
Fact is---and I hope General Purisima knows this--late last year, talks that he is to be made to retire early surfaced already. Some government officials want him out because criminal activity has really risen to astronomical heights when he assumed office. Of course, media did not report most of the nasty things that happened but if you closely look at the statistics, you"ll notice that during Purisima's watch, many things really got worse.
If there is any shred of honor left in General Purisima, he should resign for this.
He is just a couch potato watching all the crimes committed without doing anything. I would lie to believe that connecting him to gambling and drugs is true??? PLEASE RESIGN GENERAL (PROBLEM) PURISIMA...PLEASE!!!