Friday, May 16, 2014

Godzilla fights Muto and Kuto

In the latest Godzilla movie, Hollywood presented a very realistic rendition of Godzilla. As what one movie reviewer wrote, it took Hollywood sixty full years to recreate what filled Japanese nightmares for decades. Godzilla in this film is no Kingkong. Godzilla of 2014 is one mean sonafagun.

What is interesting is that the Philippines is featured here, as a source of two monsters, Muto and Kuto. Of course, who is not familiar with these words? Kuto, by Filipino standards, means miniscule, because a kuto in Filipino describes a lice. This Kuto here is simply enormous.

Makes me think that the makers of this movie are trying to send a message to us, Filipinos. Are they using kuto and muto as literary tools describing the twin evils that we face?

Muto probably depicts poverty which slowly eats up our strength as a Nation. How about kuto? Well, i can only think of one parasite which has been there even at the beginnings of our Republic.

The kuto in this movie represents the parasitic Pinoy elite who continues to replicate itself every single year and feasting on the weakness of the government and the passivity of the masses.

Great movie. Watch it.

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