Truth--its everybody's buzz word today. From the halls of the Senate to the backwaters of Sulu, everybody wants everybody to seek and know the truth. And what is the truth?
Truth, as they say, is relative. One's truth maybe different from another's. For example, Neri's truth maybe coached in the simpliest terms--I heard my president say this, but I don't know if I'm at liberty of telling you about it. In JLo's case, I heard Neri lambasting the president for being an evil person but the truth is, he just wants me to moderate it. For Neri, he knows what the truth is, but he does not want to jeopardize the entire government since he probably believes that when Filipinos know the truth, will they be able to handle it properly? For Neri, the proper handling of the truth is filing charges in court. For JLo, its for the people to decide what to do next.
So, the truth depends on the perspective of people. For example, in the case of the on-going rice crisis. Government claims they're enough stocks. The problem is price, which, they say, is being influenced by global rice prices. Upon closer scrutiny, however, the people found out that the real reason why prices of rice continues to go up is that the rice cartel is manipulating it. Market prices are not dictating the price. No. It's the greediness of rice traders that is forcing rice prices to shoot up. So, its not global. Its purely local. And the fact is, government is helpless in combatting these big-time rice traders simply because they are transacting with them. Just like in Erap's time when the former president got what's due him for conniving and going to bed with jueteng lords, this government could fall under the weight of its prostitution with rice traders.
Therefore, for the Filipino, truth is what the Pinoy wants to believe. He wants to believe that he can feed himself without importing rice since he sees thousands of thousands of acres of prime, pristine and nutrient-rich lands all around. He does'nt see the fact that his government's priorities are elsewhere. Yes, there is land to cultivate. But government de-prioritized agriculture since government operators or the mafia does not see any profit from it. It prioritizes BPOs and the banks because everytime that a new foreign company sets up shop here, there's obviously protection money involved. Unlike agriculture.
There's plenty of land but you see thousands of them being turned into subdivisions. There's plenty of land but you don't see any tractors, any processing plants nor even rice mills dotting the landscape. There's no fertilizers because the monies were diverted elsewhere. There's no processing plants nor rice mills because the monies devoted to the development of agriculture have been diverted somewhere else. So rice varieties are being re-processed, NFA stocks diverted and big-time rice traders cum operators are happy. And when they are happy, the mayors, congressmen, governors and the palace are happy.
The palace announced that we will be spending 1.5 billion pesos for importation. Great. The palace just gave this 1.5 billion as free money to those traders.
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