Let's digress for a little bit and discuss other issues. I've been writing about the Mindanao issue for quite sometime now, forgetting other serious issues spreading across the Internet.
Lately, I've been having thoughts on the possibility of humans populating Mars or at the minimum, making an experiment on terraforming. There are four things I love to read and research---revolutionary theories, communication research, law and astronomy. Yes, astronomy. Since my childhood, I've always been fascinated with the universe. The one book I treasure the most is Stephen Hawking's book about the universe. I've purchased one from Singapore and now, it's still there in my HDB. I've been wanting to re-read it.
Now, what I want to tell you my dear friends is this recent discovery about water and rich elements on Martian soil. You know what astrobiologists would think about this--there's a big chance we can survive in the Martian environment. We can plant kamote (probably). We can probably change the atmosphere and make it more human-friendly, that is, reduce the carbon dioxide content by just introducing oxygen into the atmosphere. Or we can analyze the rich water underground and find if we can drink it. If not, we can probably bring one water refilling station there, hehehe.
Net---these recent findings about Mars is both good and bad. Good, in the sense that it validates earlier presumptions about life. Life exists in almost anywhere in the universe. The possibility of finding intelligent life somewhere in the future remains very strong. If we found water in Mars and Titan, one of Saturn's moons, we can surely find it anywhere else.
The bad news is---what's the purpose of extra-terrestrial exploration? Is it for science and science alone? Or, we are motivated by commerce? If it's commerce, then, we are in for a disaster.
If we transpose our present system of economy and governance to other planets, we are doing E.T. a great disservice. Think about the possibility of Gloria becoming president in Mars. There'll surely be a war between humans and Martians since Gloria will promise the Martians the earth as habitation (called the Martian Juridical Entity or MJE).
Oh, I forgot. I promised not to talk about Gloria. Oh, bummer!
Oust Gloria now! Exile her on the moon, for God's sake!
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