Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Filipino Voices being hijacked?

I was'nt able to visit http://www.FilipinoVoices.com but I just did a couple of minutes ago and was stunned at the transformation of this worthy undertaking. It has a new look, a new design and gone are the bloglinks on the sites of the contributors. And, surprise! surprise! I just read something about a very expensive car in that site. Talk about social commentary and politics, Nick. I thought FilipinoVoices is all about news, politics and social commentary. If I want to read about hybrid cars, I can just google them and presto! I have all the info I need.

Yes, hybrid cars are probably news, but it's old hat. Countries around the world have them. And the reason why Filipinos don't have them is obvious--it's an expensive automobile. I respect my fellow bloggers take on this, but, I still can't see the connexion between a Toyota hybrid car and social commentary, politics or news?

Is FilipinoVoices now being hijacked by Public Relations specialists? The entry is obviously a PR release, complete with photos. I hate to say it, but I am saddened by this. I thought we started this project with the best intentions--write about things that would illuminate people and spur them to action!

I am very, very disappointed. Accuse me of being a purist, but the primal reason why I contribute to Filipino Voices is I believe in the cause of its existence. It's suppose to initiate debate, suppose to spark discussion and suppose to illuminate people.

To tell you frankly, my thinking about bloggers is simple--they are supposed to be the New Citizen Journalists. Being the New Influencers, we're supposed to be different from other media. As a blogger, I take this task to be a serious social responsibility. The Internet is not supposed to be the new ground for PR specialists. I, myself, am a StratComm practitioner yet I don't write about my clients nor do I espouse what they believe and force it to people.

If the New Media right now is being influenced by PR men or being used by PR men to promote their products, services or clients, then, what's so new about us? Are we now harping a new tune from Toyota car radio?


  1. Hi Patricio! This is my reply to your comment that you left on the FV blog:

    Sorry if it gave the impression that it’s PR. If you check the entire post there are aspects of the Philippine economic situation. If you read the entire thing, you’ll see that I’m actually not endorsing Hybrid cars because yes - they are too expensive.

    “This one reminds me a lot of the electronic jeeps that Mayor Binay launched in Makati. This is a pretty smart move. We can keep the costs down of public transport if the government supports and subsidizes purchases of Hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles - including jeeps and buses. We have too many taxi cabs going around so I think they should focus on the mass transport vehicles more.”

    Hybrids and alternative fuel vehicles can be classified as a topic of public interest - otherwise the entire car show wouldn’t have been about it. :)

    From what I’ve gathered from Ding’s description of this blog during one of our meetings, FV is not just about pure politics. It’s about current events, technology, etc. - anything under the sun that’s relevant to the average Filipino. The issue of alternative energy for cars has been around for the longest time.

    Thanks for the comment!

    PS - I assure you that there is nothing "PR Oriented" by that post. I just happened to be at the event, saw the relation of hybrid cars and alternative fuels to the current condition, thought of how to apply it so the Filipino people can benefit, and blogged about it in FV.

    With regards to the look and feel of FV - I had nothing to do with that. It looks great though if you ask me. >.<;

  2. Hi Carlo,

    No problem bro. As I've said, I respect the opinions and views of my colleagues. Yeah, that blog entry is harmless, not even a pr release, I should say. To the untrained eye, like myself, at first it was, so forgive me, an innocent.

    Continue writing on FV. You know old people like me, we're kinda nostalgic on things. when we're used to the old design, we kinda protest when there's a new one. human, we are.

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