Friday, February 13, 2009

Curse the Coverup Most Foul

(crossposted over at

The Senate hearing on the World Bank report chaired by no less than pseudo graft buster Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago was the biggest joke ever staged by the First Golfer gang. The scene reminds one of the infamous Mafia Gang trials in the US where the stellar cast involves no less than the big bosses of the underworld. Except, in our Filipinized version, the ones who went on trial were those who accused and exposed the anomaly in the first place, not those who committed this monumental thievery. It was staged managed, alright, by a group of intellectually dishonest misfits, who tried, and succeeded in using their knowledge of the law, even medicine, just to protect the biggest louse in Philippine history. From that heart surgeon to those petty government functionaries, the hearing was a big stage play with all those thieves in barongs professing innocence and trying hard to make us understand that getting those 10 percent commissions from the public purse is nothing sort of benevolent donation.

That hearing saved the play acting head of the biggest criminal syndicate from unnecessary exposure. He mocks the Filipino People with his obvious aversion to responsibility. For him, the Filipino People do not deserve an answer. We don’t even deserve a minute of his time, nor do we deserve to see him longer than 30 minutes in a live television coverage. For him, his presence is only for those who tee off with him at Wack-Wack and those who cut steak dinners with him in Tomas Morato.

The hearing was an obvious parody, a direct dig at the very institutions of this democracy and an obvious mockery of Filipino values and sensitivities. The institutions that our forebears have tried very hard to build are crumbling. People, like these Celso delos Angeles Jr, this DOJ prosecutor John Resado and the First Golfer are not just criminal geniuses who use their influence to make money . They are the very same ones who will eventually cause the downfall of this government.

They are the true destabilizers who cause us shame. They are the true thieves who deserve nothing less than eternal damnation and eventual death. They are the real curses given by God to this generation who continues to play dumb, act blind and deaf to the most foul crime ever made against the Filipino People.

No one in this generation would be man enough to challenge the supremacy of the First Golfer Gang. No one has the gall and the political will to challenge this evil gang. No one. This gang controls every lever of Filipino government and manages every string of every puppet in this so-called civilized country.

Who is man enough to challenge this louse who dons expensive clothes and even wears the cursed country in his shirt? Who is man enough to curse him for his indiscretions, his seemingly gangsterist rule over 82 million free souls? Who has the stamina to run against him, a man who’s in the pink of health when wheeling and dealing but feels sick when caught red-handed? As it stands, there is no one among us willing to take the sword out of Lady Justice’s sheath and thrust it into the very heart of the most foul criminal.

No one is cursing. No one is talking. For this, we deserve the darkness.


  1. 1. Hinde maka-attend sa senate inquery dahil sa sakit pero pwede maglaro ng golf.
    2. Bigay muna TONG bago negosyo sa Pinas, Asawa ko me ari ng Pinas alam mo ba?
    3. Date graft-buster ngayon currupt shelter ang buang.

  2. Hehehe, that's right anonymous. You should give counsel to your husband not to trifle with state affairs.


Thank you very much for reading my blog. You inspired me. But if you intend to put your name "anonymous", better not comment at all. Thanks!