Sunday, March 15, 2009

Obama took the VFA bait

Finally, after several attempts and even a costly visit to the United States early this year, US President Barack Obama called Philippine president Mrs. Arroyo up yesterday, allegedly affirming the US commitment to the Visiting Forces Agreemet (VFA).

It was so obvious that the reason why this government allowed media to feast on the Daniel Smith affair is basically as a bait for Obama to finally give Mrs. Arroyo an audience.

It's surprising though, why even cause-oriented groups and legislators took part in this obvious papansin gesture and why they allowed themselves to be used by Mrs. Arroyo to bait Obama.

Obviously, Obama can't go against established agreements like the VFA, since, as the State Department earlier reiterated, the VFA is an important cog in the overall US mainland security plan.
And with China's weakening economic power and the increasing presence of international terrorists in Mindanao, Obama has no choice but to call Mrs. Arroyo.
Does this mean that this administration would now be abandoning its position relative to the Smith affair? And that it will now allow the convicted rapist to just be expatriated to the US and serve his sentence there?
More than this, this incident showed how our government really view external affairs---it's definitely personal. It's neither based on solidly founded Constitutional principles nor on properly researched positions. It's simply personal when we conduct our affairs.
And Obama was made a sucker.

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