Sunday, August 23, 2009

2002: YOU is dead, says Gen. Danny Lim (updated)

"It's so strange", Carlos told me once when I chanced upon him a few days ago when I visited a sari-sari store, " that those who were not there, with us at EDSA, when we decided to fight it out with Macoy, are now the very ones shouting "hallelujahs!", praising its name. How in the name of God that this happened!"

I was not ready to answer back. Carlos, who was with the original group of the Reform the Armed Forces or RAM, was somewhat amused by the way things are unfolding, what with different people saying this and that about the EDSA revolt. When they went out and decided to stand their ground against Macoy, Carlos was then a young and idealistic officer. He was the one who told me how they decided to really just fight it out.

When Jake Malajacan and some RAM members were arrested, the rest of the RAM members were hold up in the safehouse (Ministry of National Defense). Macoy and Ver were playing it all up in the TV broadcast. Macoy threatened to blow these rebels to smithereens if they don't stop their "adventurism". Carlos and the rest of the RAM leadership saw the telecast.

Some of them wanted to just do their thing some other time. Yet, Carlos saw then the late Col. Rudy Aguinaldo who looked at the ceiling and counted. What on earth was Rudy up to! After counting, Aguinaldo just told the group that they have the upper hand and they must fight it out. That made the day for Col. Vic Batac, Red Kapunan, Tito Legaspi and Col. Gringo Honasan. They went out of their safehouse (security group at the Ministry of National Defense building) and marched straight to History.

" I never saw General Danilo Lim there," says Carlos. " Danny Lim was with Marcos at that time. And later on, when we decided to fight Cory, Danny just joined us because he wanted the old regime back. Lim was with Jimmy Zumel at the PMA academy teaching. Lim was never an original member of the Young Officer's Union (YOU). "

Ah, the Young Officer's Union (YOU), the organization that nearly brought the Cory Aquino administration to its knees. YOU was the lead during those tumultuous years under Cory. They made nine attempts, one nearly succeeded in that week-long war in 1989. Querubin was shot and left for dead only to resurrect a few minutes after being declared KIA.

" I was one of those who established the YOU and I remember that time, very vividly." says Carlos while sipping his favorite barako. " And I never saw Danny Lim there."

Eventually, most of those affiliated with the YOU got caught and was imprisoned. During Ramos' time, they, along with the RAM-SFP, forged a peace agreement with the government. Most of the officers went back to their barracks. Some, including Carlos, decided to serve the country as cops.

In 2001, the YOU leadership again spearheaded the revolt, this time, against former president Joseph Estrada. It successfully installed Mrs. Arroyo, who now rule this land with impunity and immorality. In December of 2002, Danny Lim and Ariel Querubin declared the YOU dead. Shortly thereafter, the original leadership of the YOU was prosecuted, and charged with ridiculous crimes. One of them was even shot and killed and the crime was blamed to an innocent organizer and co-founder of the YOU.

" Now, Danny and Ariel claim to be members of the YOU and that they use the very name of the organization to further their political careers. How ironic, right? They claim membership to an organization which they said already died in 2002. What on earth is that for!"

I understand where Carlos is coming from. Carlos, who sacrificed his life for his country, is now silently re-organizing and fortifying the organization which still struggles towards a True and Just Filipino society.

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