Saturday, September 12, 2009

Off-the-cuff with Ruffy (Biazon, that is)

(cross posted over at

He’s the son of a former general who saved the Aquino-led Republik from damnation and made history when he ran and won a senatorial seat. He hails from Alabang, an enclave of the rich and powerful but exhibits a humble mien that endears him more to his constituency. And I’m not talking about Martin Nievera here. I am definitely describing Cong. Ruffy Biazon.

I had a chance to meet the good Congressman last night during a bloggers’ night affair at Bo’s Cafe at High Street. I was late for about an hour, stuck in Magallanes Makati traffic for two. Yet, when I arrived, I saw many of my fellow bloggers (most of them are very young), conversing with this man dressed in simple clothes.

Looks can be very deceiving though, for Ruffy Biazon is not a simple man. What I meant by that is, he’s powerful, having served as a legislator for many years and exerts tremendous influence not just in his district, but throughout the country. Through his active participation in reformist politics, Ruffy Biazon cuts himself above the rest. Biazon always side with the people.

For example, Ruffy Biazon opposes the right to reply bill, saying that this smacks of authoritarian legislation. In a democracy, says Ruffy, you have the right to express yourself and this right is inalienable.

He also favors the Reproductive Health bill and sees nothing wrong with it. What’s so extraordinary about him is Ruffy spends time explaining the measure to ordinary Filipinos who see nothing more to it than a rationale for abortion. There was a time, says Ruffy, that a woman remarked that the bill is a measure to rationalize abortion. Ruffy got his copy of the bill and explained it to the woman whom, after a few minutes, understood what the measure is, really.

And like other politicians, Ruffy wants the charter amended. He sees that some provisions of the charter do not conform with the times. He’s not referring to those economic provisions, but rather, on those political provisions which deter the growth and rationalization of government institutions.

What is so unique about Ruffy—he has a prescription on how we can curb graft and corruption–and that is, if we can only change the personal beliefs and values of our leaders.

Ruffy Biazon is a devout Christian. He shuns politics especially on Sundays but does his work 24/7. Ruffy, along with his beautiful wife (who also attended the bloggers’ night but did not take part in the discussions and just sat a few feet away, typing away with her Macbook), attends Church regularly. Says Ruffy, if he can just attend Church twice or thrice a week, he’ll do it.

But, Ruffy, like the rest of us, is no saint. He does not aspire to be one, only to be a servant of the People.

Religion and adherence to God is the bedrock of Ruffy Biazon’s beliefs. But, don’t you worry—he’s no Panlilio nor a Velarde. Ruffy believes in God because for him, that belief puts his feet firmly on the ground. The reason why his name is never mentioned in any Vera Files or PCIJ corruption reports (unlike colleague Mikey Arroyo) is that Ruffy believes that everyone is accountable to his God.

That, whatever you do, God sees you. If you steal, though no one knows it, God sees it. Whatever its real or not, the point is, everyone is accountable, somehow and somewhat to a Higher being–whether its God or the people–it does not really matter. What matters is, as a legislator, Ruffy Biazon believes that he’s accountable and stealing public money is not just a sin but a crime in the eyes of the people and a dirty mark to the legacy of the Biazon political trademark.

Ruffy, by the way, is running as a senator this coming elections. He’ll be under the Liberal Party. Mark his name in your voting machine. That would probably be the one thing you can do for your country.
(by the way, to be fair to other politicians aspiring for any elective post, New Philippine Revolution welcomes invitations for interviews. You can call or text me thru 09063286207 or send an invite to

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