Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Center is mocking Senator Loren Legarda

Ed Malay, a publicist (meaning PUBLIC RELATIONS MAN) should stop sending media results of his alleged "surveys". The Issues and Advocacy Center or just dubbed "The Center" is making a big mockery out of the research profession.

He just issued a survey result showing that Nacionalista party bet for Vice president Loren Legarda has already whittled down Senator Mar Roxas' lead to just four points. Roxas is reportedly at 32% while Legarda stands at 28%.

Malay did not give any explanation whatsoever. Malay natin what kind of survey tools were used or the margins of error or even the methodology used.

Basta, Malay wants us to believe that Loren is making a big headway against Roxas, an obvious PR stunt.

Unknown to Malay, he is hurting the chances of his candidate, who happens to be Ms. Legarda because he is trying to manipulate the minds of the public and accept the possibility that Legarda is gaining big points against Roxas.

Legarda does not deserve such a treatment from Ed Malay. Legarda will lead Roxas eventually but not this way. This is Ed Malay's style, that of doing a "hinog sa pilit" kind of thing.

Fact is, with Malay's surveys, the people are getting a very different reading on Loren. People are saying that Malay's outfit is the "pakawala" of the "tabako" trying very hard to prop up Legarda's chances.

Ed, you are hurting Loren instead of helping her. Why not stop these ridiculous surveys since you are not really credible. You have zero credibility in this department. Just continue your press release style since you thrive in that.


  1. Palipat lipat, papalit palit, that's what Loren has become. Driven by ambition she has become a political butterfly and opportunist. That's the image she has made for herself. Sayang.

  2. @Tito Cesar, i dont think Loren Legarda is deserving to be called butterfly, because thef act still remains that she is still in NPC..So how come she has been called butterfly?? Albeit she joined Manny Villar, still she is in her own partylist.. You should make a thorough research about it. Hindi nagpalipat lipat at nagpapalit palit ng partylist si Senator Loren and that is the FACT! So mali un information na binibigay mo sa mga reader...!Un lang po, and i hope you'll be enlighten!


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