Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Villar is mocking the Senate: Where is Lacson, Legarda and Pangilinan?

Where were Senators Panfilo Lacson and Loren Legarda in yesterday's Senate session? They were supposed to support Senate president Juan Ponce-Enrile. Legarda and Lacson were at the forefront of the Senate attempt to probe Villar's unethical practices. Yet, they were not around when the Senate was supposed to take up that report.

Mr. Lacson, what gives? And Ms. Legarda--where is your loyalty? Is it to Villar or to the Nation?

And how about Senator Francis "Kiko" Pangilinan who signed the report written by no less than Senate president Juan Ponce-Enrile? Was Pangilinan asked by his friend Villar not to attend yesterday's session?

Where is your loyalty, Mr. Pangilinan? To Villar or to the Nation who suffered?

Senator Manny Villar should not mock the very institution which professes to be the last bastion of democracy in this country. Villar should not hide behind the "alibi" of political propaganda and face the accusations like a man. Why is Villar so afraid of facing his colleagues before the Filipino People? 

Like what a judge said, guilty people, they are those who usually make the wrong excuses.

Villar is trying to weaken the very institution which took care of him for so many years and which, allowed him to get 6.22 billion pesos from the public coffers, the very same monies he is now using to get to the top spot.

Villar should be man enough to admit that he erred or at the very least, acted in an unethical manner.

If you look at it, this C-5 report serves as the final nail to seal Villar's campaign for the presidency. Senator Jamby Madrigal wants Villar charged before the Ombusman and Madrigal should be supported by the People.

This C-5 probe will serve as the Damocles sword hanging above Villar's head even if he wins the May 10, 2010 elections. This will forever haunt him and will mar his administration, if he wins.

And this is a very bad thing for us, the Filipino People. We do not deserve someone with a graft case again sitting as president.

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