Monday, January 25, 2010

The Cory Aquino Legacy: Cory's weaknesses were our strengths

Many people criticize Senator Noynoy Aquino for harping on the accomplishments of his dearly departed mother, Cory. Many say that the administration of the former president (who is celebrating her 77th birthday today) was fraught with violence, instability and economic turmoil. That it was not necessarily an administration above scrutiny and above reproach.

Many people, in fact say that Cory's administration was marked with human rights violations, economic instability, political troubles and restiveness in the military. The only bright spot, so to speak, of Cory's administration was the restoration of democracy.

It is unfair for one to peer into history and say that Cory failed in her time as our Leader. For one, her administration came shortly after the fall of a monolith. Cory's task was not easy. Every one knows that dismantling the tentacles of a twenty year dictatorial regime takes a gigantuan effort. It takes someone with a big heart to fight the counter-revolutionaries of that age.

Cory fought against the entrenched elites who fed from the hands of a dictator. Cory struggled against a military with a different mindset. Cory fought hard against the big and well-established cartels and syndicates which were nurtured by the regime. And Cory did that in such short a time.

Cory did her job as a citizen---she stood up against a Giant and won. With the help of God and those who bravely stood up beside her, Cory did what no other president accomplished---she steered the country safely amidst choppy waters.

For a housewife whose only desire was to live comfortably with her husband and children, Cory's sacrifice was an act beyond compare. Who among us would have the strong will and the fortitude to go against an establishment at the risk of putting her entire family's life in extreme danger?

Who, among us, would have the strength to fight the minions of a discredited regime armed only with rosaries and a phalanx of nuns, priests, laborers, fisherfolk and youth?

Who, among us, would have the gall to sacrifice everything, even the sanctity of her family, just to fight for love?

Cory did what she was supposed to do as a Filipino citizen, more than what Jose Rizal did in his time. Rizal never sacrificed his own family. Cory did. Rizal died without seeing the dawn. Cory was blessed by God to see the fruits of her labors.

More than this though, Cory did all of these things because she loved Ninoy. Her enormous love to the good senator gave her that strong will to do what was Right and Just.

Just think---instead of taking care of her children, Cory took care of us, unknown souls. Instead of just retiring from public life after the death of Ninoy and like her cousin, Danding, just went to business and probably build something out of her stature as an elite, Cory treaded the path least taken.

Cory decided to follow the love of her life. Cory decided to love those whom her husband loved. Cory Aquino decided to follow the destiny of those who truly love God.

Cory Aquino sacrificed her family for the Nation whom her husband loved dearly, with all his life.

Noynoy is not in the business of necro-politics. No.

Noynoy is proud of his parents simply because they gave their lives to the service of the Motherland. What better way to honor their sacrifice than continue what they fought for?

Yes, Cory has her faults. Like the rest of us, Cory has her failings and weaknesses. Yet, her weaknesses and faults are our strengths. And her strength, simply our weaknesses.

Cory's strength lies in her unflinching desire to put things in order and her willingness to sacrifice her life and her family's personal comforts for the sake of the many.

Cory's faults and weaknesses lie in her forgiving character, a trait which opens the possibility of corruption. In corruption, in most of us, this is our strength.

Lastly, let me share you something very personal.

During that time, days after the EDSA Uno revolution, I remember everybody smiling and talking freely inside jeepneys and buses. I was then, a high-school student. Every one was in high spirits, even talked with strangers and shared their experiences in EDSA.

This kind of experience never happened again. Fact is, no one right now even talk inside jeepneys and buses. See those faces. The smiles have faded.

Let us put those smiles again.

Let us revive that Spirit again.

I do believe in my heart that after this May 10, 2010 and whatever happens, the Pinoys will again smile, the Pinoys will again chatter with one another and the Pinoys will definitely be proud of his heritage again.

For the past nine years, we have lived like direction-less souls, trying to survive against a very harsh environment.

Let us write a new page in our Country's History.

Isulat natin ang Bagong Istorya ng ating bansa ngayong Mayo 2010!

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