Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Power of Hope: Stepping Out, Creating Change

In small things, there is greatness. That is true in the universe. All of these things we see now as "reality" actually began 13 billion years ago from a tiny speck of light which burst forth and created everything. In an instant, the universe was born from a collision of atoms.

And when one, obeying the rules of this universe, plays it small, the potentials of greatness comes not by a hefty price but just a sum of all tiny steps leading into a big burst we call change. And change starts with just one small step.

When Andres Bonifacio started the Katipunan, he started by stepping out of his hamlet and gathering his friends. From a small group, the Katipunan eventually became big, bigger than what Andres Bonifacio had in his mind.

When Mahatma Gandhi started his silent resistance movement against the British, he did so by stepping out of his house and started walking. He walked miles and miles until he reached the salt mines, a symbol of Indian slavery. Gandhi's small steps led to the eventual liberation of his Nation.

When Mao Tsetung began his revolution, he started by stepping out of his faculty room. Mao led thousands of Chinese in building the Chinese Communist Party. That party eventually started what we now know as the Long March, a March which consisted of small, tiny steps made by those whose hearts are bigger than their minds.

This is where greatness lies.

When a man comes out of his comfortable house and starts building people, he spurs a liberation movement.

When a man starts taking small steps towards reforming himself and eventually, the ones that surround him, his tiny revolution becomes big, bigger than himself and that guns a revolution which he himself did not really plan.

And when a man, frustrated by what he sees and hears, began writing his small thoughts and distributing these small seeds of inspiring things to his fellow men, he already started a revolution, a revolution without killing or murdering some one.

Revolutions are handiworks of farmers. They are sustained by fishermen and fought for by orphans and widows.

Revolts start small. For greatness lies deep beneath.

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