Sunday, January 31, 2010

The What ifs of the May 10, 2010 elections

I was'nt able to update my blogs for a while, too busy to even think about what to write.

First, I don't have a topic in mind. I was thinking about the "revelation" by SMARTMATIC-TIM and the COMELEC that they expect only 65% of automated machines to work come May 10, an indirect admission that they intend to subject 35% of other areas of the country to manual counting.

If that's the case then, that's one helluva story. Such a scenario would create chaos and confusion. 

Imagine May 10, with 2,000 voters clustered in precincts, not knowing if their names are surely there. I've been studying the election statistics and found that that 50.3 million who registered were not "purged" by the Comelec, another indirect admission that the poll body allowed spurious votes or names in the official registry. I checked the National Statistical Coordination Board and if you look at their projection for 2010 (those who are allowed to vote because they have or will reach majority age of 18 years old), the figure is just nearly 49 million. So, there is about 1 million or so ballots extra.

And if my hunch is correct, the poll body will allow 40 million to vote if the administration bet or that pseudo-oppositionist masquerading as a poor man reaches strategic stalemate status with the rapper politician. If they don't catch up, then its back to the 38.7 million expected voters (actual votes).

So there, if 38.7 million voters will have the chance to actually cast their votes, that would actually be 387,000 precincts.

Anyway, what is worrisome is not the voting itself but the counting. Here in this country and in any other place in the world, the counting is the cake itself, not the icing. You'll know if those 17 weeks you spent campaigning were all worth your while. Counting is where the fraudulent and scheming leeches work their magic. 

So, you only have 65% of counting machines working, that is already a cause for any presidentiable or senatoriable to question the electoral results and go to the tribunal for relief. You ask---so what you're saying is, there will be that possibility of a no-proclamation scenario? Yes. 

Imagine a Villar screaming and crying foul and filing a case before the Supreme Court questioning the poll results. 

Imagine a Gilbert Teodoro not conceding and saying that there should never be a proclamation of the winner since the 35% of the results are not in.

And imagine a Noynoy crying to high heavens because of the poll violence in the provinces and chaos in Metro Manila due to massive disfranchisement of voters.

If this automation fails, its a triple whammy for the Filipino People, and the only people laughing all the way to the bank will definitely be the Smartmatic-TIM people who got 12 billion pesos from us. And obviously, that illegal squatter living in the banks of the Pasig City will definitely have her victory. 

Funny, no one's laughing.

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