Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dont count Erap out...yet. Estrada is this poll's dark horse

More than 5,000 people massed up in Plaza Miranda last night for the proclamation rally of former president Joseph Estrada. Estrada and his Puwersa ng Masa senatorial slate led by Joey de Venecia III, Juan Ponce Enrile, Francisco Kit Tatad, Jinggoy Estrada and all others, were mobbed by an enthusiastic crowd of poor folks. Estrada spoke and the crowd cheered lustily as the former president vowed to reclaim power. That scene reminded me of 1998 when Estrada first gunned for the top post. They were the similar throng who catapulted Erap to power, the poor folks of Payatas, of Tondo and a massive showing of Moro support for the former leader who ate pork inside a Mosque. 

The similarities ended though when Estrada spoke.

Unlike in 1998, Estrada spoke with less passion now. Probably because he's quite older now and evidently wiser. He chose his words now, careful not to hurt feelings nor cause discomfort from the powers-that-be in the palace. Yet, from the words he uttered, I felt that he is totally serious of his promise to vindicate his tarnished name.

What is so dangerous about Estrada now is the fact that he is running a campaign sans the showbiz stars who once shouted hallelujah with him onstage. Close buddy Dolphy is now in the camp of Senator Manny Villar after getting millions as talent fee. And a young singing diva and blockbuster princess who goes by the name of Sarah Geronimo is purportedly offered 20 million just to endorse Villar.

There is no more showbiz luster in Erap's campaign, yet the poor masses continue to support him. This is more realistic than those surveys which showed him running a poor third place. Erap might still get what he wanted, what with his top opponents, namely Aquino and Villar now statistically tied. 

Estrada remains a dark horse in this campaign. And he's banking on his clean reputation as a no-nonsense leader and some one who did not steal while in office.

This two qualities resonate well in a country sick and tired of graft and corruption and poor leadership. If only Estrada had the resources which he had in 1998, he might, just might, pull it off again.

That'll probably be bad news for the chomping and smoking Tabako Man.

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