Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Nation of Twenty Years and the Lack of Great Men

Martin Luther King Jr. once said that a genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but "a molder of consensus." Meaning, a leader must create consensus instead of "searching for the middle road." The greatness of a man is always measured by what he creates with his hands. 

When a man creates great confusion, he sows the seeds of violence. When a man creates love, he sows the seeds of life. And when man creates things that benefit other people, he creates greatness. 

"Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."---William Shakespeare

How true is this. Great men are born once or even twice every generation. In our generation, we are faced with this difficulty of creating something out of nothing or men who achieved either notoriety or popularity not by the sheer power of their creation but by the brutality of their actions.

Consider that for twenty years, we were under a regime of a Strong Man who imposed his will just to create what he believed was the right prescription for this Nation. Twenty years past after his downfall, and we are now faced with quite a number of men who want us to prescribe to their visions, however frail or weak these are. 

"A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem." ---Albert Einstein

Our History as a Nation is that of a teleserye, an endless pursuit of what is right and a mindless struggle for what is essentially, wrong. We are a Nation of twenty years, whose fate follows a clear distinctive pattern of highs and lows, of summers and winters, of blackness and of sheer brightness

For lack of a man who enjoys more of our praise rather than our criticism, we venture forth into the sea of uncertainty, captained by unworthy men, and surviving only by our sheer wits. Those who consider themselves as our superiors are actually inferiors using their brute strength to conquer us. It is also noteworthy, that our superiors or those who claim ascendancy over us are actually wily wolves dressed in barongs or amerikanas. They possess neither the strength of Reason nor the blessedness of character. 

For those who are still searching for Great Men, be advised---our generation has killed all of them.

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