Saturday, March 12, 2011

Prayer for the Nation: In these times of great uncertainty

My Lord, and My God, I praise Your Most Holy Name. Your Name is above all else, the God Who created the heavens and the earth. May You be glorified forevermore.

Lord God, You Who Sits in Your Throne in Everlasting, You Who Created the Heavens of the Heavens, and You Who is the purest of the pure Spirits, please forgive me and my countrymen. Forgive us for all of our sins. Cleanse our hearts with Your Everlasting Love. And Let Your Spirit of Wisdom teach us how to love.

Lord Our God, stretch out your Justice to those in need. Give them succor O Lord, especially my fellow Kababayans who are now stranded in the Middle East, protect them o Lord. 

Protect the Fathers, and the Mothers, protect also the widows, the orphans and the poor. Shield them from harm. Ask your angels to put distressed Filipinos under their wing, don't ever lose them. 

O Father, protect those Filipinos living in Japan. Shield them from all harm. Strengthen them. Make them brave. And please O Father, help those who want to go home to their families here in the Philippines.

O Father, let not those waves reach our shores. Shield this country, your Nation of believers and slaves, from disaster. But, if it is Your Will, then, please protect the widows, the poor and the orphans during these times of trial. Ease their burdens. 

If it is Your Will o Lord GOd, that these earthquakes happen so that those who sin will realize the foolishness of their acts, then, let it be, O Lord. Spare the innocents o Lord. Mark them so that they will not be harmed during the pouring of Your Wrath.

Protect my family from harm. Save my children from diseases and from all harm. Put Your Spirit into them so that they may always, always praise Your Most Holy Name.

Empower our government. Imbue the Truth, and Wisdom in the hearts of our government officials so that they will do Your Bidding Lord. Purge those who continually commit evil, O Lord. Strike them with your Justice, O heavenly Father.

I stretch my hands o Lord, and give myself wholly to your holy service. Let Your Wisdom be always in my heart. I claim my blessings from You, O Lord. Ameen.

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