Thursday, July 21, 2011

Palace: Garcillano next to fall

Days after sources say that Virgilio Garcillano, the baritone voice behind the controversial Hello Garci scandal which saw former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo apologizing for her calling him, is expected to surface very soon. This, after sources say, the Palace lost Garcillano over to a former Arroyo General who reportedly beat Palace operators to the draw.

Political adviser Ronald Llamas himself says that the former Comelec commissioner is expected to surface very soon. Garcillano is expected to further pin Arroyo to the charge of rigging the 2004 elections.

Garcillano went underground shortly after the Senate probed the controversial Hello Garci tapes. He will be the sixth witness who now came forward saying that there was fraud that happened in the last elections.

Yes, Garcillano is the missing link, so to speak. He knows what happened. He is expected to spill the beans especially against former generals involved in the Hello Garci operations.

What probers should investigate is the way Arroyo and her associates tried to launder dirty public money. Apart from rigging the elections, probers should look into how Arroyo etal laundered money by using these as electoral funds. Congress should be interested on probably creating a law on electoral funds. Funds should be accounted by the State and controls should be instituted so that dirty money would not be laundered during elections.

Garcillano's revelations about electoral fraud, for me, is beside the point already. Everyone knows and are convinced that the previous electoral exercises were rigged.

The most important thing I think government should be looking into is how Arroyo and her associates amass billions of pesos that they used in rigging the elections. Where did the money come from? How many sponsors did contribute money to fund Arroyo? These funders should be exposed.

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