Friday, September 2, 2011

De Lima on her way out of the justice department?

I join the clamor for the immediate removal of Leila de Lima as Justice secretary. A year had past, and no definite probe or even a charge sheet has been filed against the Arroyos. What ails de lima, asks Senators Ping Lacson and Antonio Trillianes IV.

Yes, de Lima has been conducting press conferences every single day for every single week for a year, yet, there has been no criminal case filed against known grafters and criminal syndicates. We have a term for this in the streets--dinedengoy tayo.

We are being fed sensational news only to satiate our need for information. Afterwards, we are left holding an empty bag. No case is filed. No one being put to jail for this and that offense being uncovered. 

The proof is in the pudding, so to speak. 

Justice is one of the pillars of good governance. If the justice department remains as it is, there is no definite future for all of us. The secretary is not doing her best in her job. She should resign her post and give it to someone more competent.

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