Energy secretary Petilla is still clueless why electricity rates skyrocketed when the same situation last November occurred three years ago, when the country entered into a series of blackouts and power interruptions. However, back then, the price howered only between 10-12 pesos. This time, its 62 pesos.
Fact is, Petilla admitted before the Congressional Committee on Power yesterday that he is still studying the EPIRA law, when in fact, he has been on the job for the last two years.
Petille admits not fully understanding EPIRA. Then, what is the basis of his conclusion that there was no collusion among gencos and Meralco?
This is the problem of appointing a politician to a Technocrat's job. Petilla deserves to be fired. His incompetence has caused suffering to millions of families who now bear the brunt of high electricity rates.
I am Waray and I am ashamed of Petilla.
Petilla even want us to believe that there is still no cost being shouldered by the people, when in truth and in fact, the December Meralco billing has already reflected the price adjustment despite the Supreme Court decision to stay the adjustment. Thousands of families already paid Meralco extra. And that "extra" is not merely in the millions of pesos, oh no.
Due to his incompetence, Petilla even had the gall of recommending the use of the Malampaya funds to cover the exorbitant power rate. Wala bang hiya itong si Petilla?
Those funds aim to develop our power sector industry not finance the greed of companies. Because of his incompetence, Petilla wants government to part with the Malampaya billions.
Is this the way this government repays the trust and confidence of the people behind Pnoy? Is this the reward of the people in continuing their support behind this administration?
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