Saturday, March 1, 2014

Shady DOTC deals to cause Pnoy's downfall---and possible incarceration post-2016

I will not be surprised if this administration will exit the scene ala Arroyo---in a blazing Southward streak. Many friends from the business community are very disappointed with the way the DOTC is conducting itself especially in bidding the Public-Private partnership projects. 

My good friend, Jess Diaz of the Philippine Star wrote this today " DOTC clears execs in $ 30-M extort try". Anything odd?

Well, do you really expect the legal department of the DOTC to prosecute its own executives, particularly those who conducted anomalous actions with Inekon? Obviously not. This extort try even involved the names of several relatives, close one of President Aquino.

The DOTC may have cleared its own of any wrongdoing but it does not really state that there was none? Sources say there was really some deal which happened but was prevented when the Ambassador sought assistance from the NBI.

One tip to the DOTC---don't be too obvious. Let other people clear your people of any wrongdoing.

One thing is clear---the DOTC right now is really involved in very serious stuff that will eventually merit a probe or even jailtime for some people there. If they do not stop what they are doing, another explosive scandal similar to the ZTE-NBN deal will blow up before the faces of these officials, and will even affect the political fate of their 2016 candidate.

Read my lips---an explosive scandal akin to the ZTE-NBN deal is expected to happen within the next few weeks if the DOTC will not heed my words. Take it from me, a veteran of many wars, a combatant during the ZTE-NBN deal. I know what I am talking about, and this one, no amount of crisis management is enough to stop this stinking deal from being discovered. This issue is a career-ending one.

There is a deliberate effort to grant most of the PPP projects to just one group. This group already had an agreement with the Big Benefactor of most people occupying High Seats at the DOTC. Fact is, the group controlling the DOTC and the DILG have already been working together to fund the aspirations of this Big Benefactor come 2016.

When I fought the DOTC in 2003-2009, I was proven correct. The many personalities who amassed great wealth during the nine-year tumultuous Arroyo reign suffered bad luck during the last days of this regime and after. Many died, and even one, killed himself because he cannot stomach seeing himself in a wheelchair. Some got jail time, and many others were ostracized. The pressure these people got during those times were extreme, and many of them got sick.

The one who was very close to Arroyo, had a debilitating stroke. The stroke entirely paralyzed him. In weeks, this portly man, went from a man in a pink of health and once in the Apex of Power, to a shrinken and crumpled and old, chap. This is his punishment for betraying his sworn duty with the People. 

Several close friends of mine told me that in his last days, he cannot accept the state he was in. He cannot even control his bowels. There were two versions of his death--unofficially, he hurled himself down a flight of stairs in his own home in the provinces. Another one, unofficially of course, shared that he pulled the trigger and blew his brains out. The official version of course was he died after suffering from innumerable pains. 

This man prosecuted and even tried to kill his fellow EDSA dos conspirators when these people discovered the shady deals. The group survived and campaigned with their lives. Yes, this man prevented a power grab, yet, he was'nt able to stop the claws of death from snatching his soul.

Mr. President, I am writing this as a sort of warning. Review all these deals being entered by the DOTC right now with several of your political allies and campaign contributors. Some of these deals are disadvantageous to government and it will not be too long before a group once more campaign against the DOTC which will definitely affect your administration.

To those who consider this administration their enemy---just focus your attention at the DOTC right now and you have enough fodder to blast this administration to smithereens.

Right now, some people of this administration are hell-bent using the 48 PPP projects as a source of campaign funds for 2016. These people are now in the thick of negotiations with willing individuals from the private sector. 

Be advised---I am positive these deals will be headline stuff post-Aquino administration. I will not be surprised if President Noynoy Aquino and some of his close friends will suffer the same thing as what their predecessors suffered. 

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