Monday, September 17, 2007

Why the coup never materialized

12 September 2007. Notice the numeral configuration: 12+09+2007. If you add 1+2 in 12, its 3. If you add 2+0+0=7, its 9, divisible by 3. The charade started at 9 and ended in 10am. All odds. Truly, an oddity of an event, is'nt?

At the eve of the Erap verdict, I received information from my deepthroats that Camp Aguinaldo was closely monitoring the movements of a group who were planning for a coup. Composed of active military-men and some retired officials, this group has been in the radar since the issue started. They never moved nor were they even close to their objective. Why?

Like I said in my previous blogs, this Erap conviction will not create the desired effects, which is a revolutionary situation. Erap, despite his popularity, is a spent force. People will not go to the streets just to protest his innocence. First, the masa is a disorganized and disparate lot. They don't have credible mass leaders. They don't have the money to mobilize themselves. And why is that?

My deep throat says that Erap and his family were really expecting a not guilty verdict. That's why they really did'nt pour money to the Erap mass groups because they are expecting an acquittal. Analysts say that when Erap heard of the pronouncement of guilt, he was crest-fallen. There must have been a negotiated compromise between Erap and GMA. But, it did not materialize because, as expected, Erap exposed his weak armor again and allowed GMA and his minions to bastardize him again.

Erap will really not pour his millions to support a coup against GMA because (a) his wealth has been dissipated due to these trials and (b) he's too dumb and afraid of GMA. Yes, Dorothy, your favorite Asiong Salonga is really like that in real life.

The coup will never materialize now because they are fast losing their benefactors. However, I bet my bottom dollar that: (1) this coup, if this happens, will be in October. This will be triggered by the Senate investigations coupled with an Erap appeal; and (2) Erap will be transferred to Muntinlupa by this time. These two events will eventuall create an upswing of support for a move to change the GMA administration

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