Sunday, August 2, 2009

A New EDSA Revolution is Upon Us; Gloria Panics and sends anti-coup force

Like what happened in 1986, Filipinos are pouring by the thousands at EDSA and the La Salle Greenhills compound. Soldiers, cops, businessmen, civil society, urban poor, students and youngsters are gathering as we speak along EDSA Shrine and Ortigas Avenue to re-create the phenomenon which President Cory Aquino led some two decades ago. This is a fitting tribute to the lady who sacrificed her entire life for the sake of democracy in the Philippines.

A day after her death, Mrs. Cory Aquino continues to inspire countless Filipinos to fight for what is Right and condemn the wrongs. People have now awakened to the reality that this regime of Mrs. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has been oppressing Filipinos for more than eight years now and it is time for everybody to be like Cory and stand up for what is Right and oust the usurper from her evil power.

A New EDSA revolt is upon us. Even in her passing, Mrs. Aquino moral and spiritual leadership remains palpable. Millions have now awakened from their stupor and ready to again, take history by the hair and create a a truly just and humane society. People wearing yellow shirts have vowed to continue the cause and the struggle of Mrs. Aquino.

The mission which Mrs. Aquino failed to finish when she was still alive, will now be realized by Filipinos who love and respect her ideals. Now is the time to launch a New Philippine Revolution! Onward!


  1. Where exactly did you get this "A New EDSA Revolution is Upon Us; Gloria Panics and Sends Anti-Coup Force" news item? And what are the details of said news item?

    Your title has nothing to do with honoring Cory, and the article itself says nothing about this panicking GMA sending an anti-coup force.

    Could you post a live link on this?

  2. Where exactly did you get this "A New EDSA Revolution is Upon Us; Gloria Panics and Sends Anti-Coup Force" news item? And what are the details of said news item?

    Your title has nothing to do with honoring Cory, and the article itself says nothing about this panicking GMA sending an anti-coup force.

    Could you post a live link on this?


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