Over at the New Philippine Revolution, a new online news magazine blog, there is a comprehensive report on the State of the Nation Under Arroyo. This report assesses the Arroyo administration using the lenses of other think tanks. It is a unbiased assessment from the time she seized political power from former president Joseph Estrada to the time she addresses the nation and reports her achievements.
Support http://www.newphilrevolution.com. And the new Filipino user generated news blog http://www.filipinonewsnetwork.com.
Manila archbiship Gaudencio Rosales today urged Arroyo to tell the truth. It's best, says Rosales, that Arroyo reveals the unblemished truth on the state of the nation so that everyone especially the next administration, would know what to do next.
But, will Arroyo heed the church call and show the Filipinos the true state of the nation? I doubt it, especially now that Mrs. Arroyo would face US president Barack Obama. Surely, that would spoil the broth, so to speak, since, as what the Washington Times said, echoing the previous statement by NPR, that the visit would just be a political subterfuge by Arroyo. Even the Americans know that it was a bad judgment call by the White House in inviting Arroyo. If they're so concerned with terrorism in Asia, the White House should have invited Indonesia instead.
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